There were all sorts of demons that inhabited this futuristic, apocalyptic world, and they all had various looks and features. One thing was certain though, you didn’t want to get bitten by one; if you were to get bitten, you’d not have very long to have an antidote administered before you eventually morphed into a hideous monstrous demon of some kind, usually representing your inner-most animalistic trait.
Tehvan elbowed Dakota and pointed out into the distance. “Do you see those guys down there?” he asked.
Dakota nodded as he peered through his binoculars; down below the snowy mountain ledge that they were standing on, the heavily muscular man saw a snake demon humanoid, several wolfmen, and various other animal-looking demons, all scurrying about the camp as they looked to be preparing for an attack.
“How many do you count?” asked Tehvan.
“93, maybe more.” Dakota answered. “Best plan of attack would be to sneak in and plant explosives, but I don’t think that’s going to work.”
“Could tunnel under.” Said JC, the skinny dark complected man with buzzed hair and a growing beard walking up to join his younger brother and friend.
“Good idea, but it would take too much time.”
“So, then, we use the direct approach?” asked JC.
“Horrible time to be down to just the three of us, isn’t it?” said Tehvan with a chuckle.
“Oh, we’ll manage.” Said Dakota as he reached down and picked up an M60 light machine gun before turning and smiling.
JC shrugged as he slid his AA12 Fully automatic shotgun off of his shoulder, and Tehvan retrieved his modified AR10 .308 caliber assault rifle and they began carefully sneaking down the hill, quietly reaching the camp 10 minutes later and squatting down just outside of it.
The snake demon stopped in front of a lizardman and the two began talking.
“Is everything ready for the attack on the Priests’ capital village, Kenton?” asked the snake demon.
“Of course, lord Gillium.” The lizardman assured him.
“Good.” Said lord Gillium, the snake demon’s tongue darting out of its mouth and catching something new in the air.
“Keep alert, I think we have company.”
“My lord?” asked Kenton, the lizardman’s head darting around in every direction as he tried to locate anyone or anything that may be out of the ordinary.
“Stop that, you fool!” Gillium demanded. “Don’t make it so obvious; I’ll go to Lord Boulder and let him know that we have intruders on our outskirts and that we need to send out the men to find them.”
With that, the two demons parted ways and Tehvan turned to Dakota and JC, whispering as he spoke. “Alright, you two, you’re going to create a diversion for me while I sneak to the tent that Gillium just went in. If Boulder’s really here, then we have the opportunity to finally destroy a top level-demon and put a dent in their forces for good.”
JC attached a 100-round magazine to his AA12 automatic shotgun and smiled.
“This thing’s full of nothing but high explosive rounds, they’re like mini-bombs. You stay here until Dakota, and I get the party started, and then go in for Boulder.”
With that, JC and Dakota stood up and walked casually into the camp, none of the demons even noticing them as they carried high-powered weapons from tents to transportation wagons that were pulled by large draft horses.
“This is too good.” Said Dakota as he readied his M60.
“Ready?” asked JC.
Dakota nodded. “Ready.”
JC returned the nod and then let out a loud whistle that echoed through the forested area and reverberated off the mountainsides around them.
“Excuse me!” Dakota shouted.
All of the demons turned, staring at the two men in bewilderment, and then JC and Dakota started firing into the large crowd of fiends, killing many of them in a matter of moments as most of them were unarmed.
Tehvan made his way to the tent where he saw the snake demon Gillium enter, and he stuck the barrel of his gun in first, realizing his stupidity when the barrel was grabbed and he was jerked off his feet, colliding with a large glass shelf on the other side of the tent.
Tehvan shook his head as he saw his rifle go flying through the air, and he stared up at Gillium.
“You fool! I knew it was you and your goons; did you really think that Lord Boulder would be so stupid as to come to a place like this himself?”
Tehvan let out a laugh, the athletically toned man with short dark-brown hair pointing up at the much taller snake demon as he spit blood from his mouth.
“You just called yourself stupid.”
Boulder let out a loud groan of anger, and in a flash, he slithered across the tent and coiled himself around Tehvan, squeezing all of the breath out of him when he did.
“It’s no matter to you, boy, you will not live past this day. You and your pathetic crew are no match for me, first I’ll kill you and then I’ll take care of your brother and your friend.” The Snake demon taunted. “You call yourselves the Soldiers of the Cross, but the theocracy has consistently labeled you as outcasts not fit for society and civilized life. How does it feel to be reduced to nothing? How does it feel Tehvan? How does it feel to know that you only have a few more seconds to live? How does it fee….”
Tehvan’s world had gone completely black, so he couldn’t see what happened, but he heard something that sounded like a sword slicing through flesh before he dropped to the ground, rolling over on his stomach and gasping for air like a fish being thrown back into the water.
As the world started to come back into focus around him, he heard a familiar voice, the young Asian male helping him to his feet.
“Are you alright, my friend?”
Tehvan opened his eyes and saw a handsome, dark complected Japanese man with messy red hair, his right hand resting on the handle of his (now sheathed) katana.
“You sure got back at the right time. What happened to Gillium, Rai?”
The young Japanese man straightened out his red wolf kimono and stared down at the lifeless body of the snake demon, having been cut in half right under his armpits buy the man’s katana.
Tehvan nodded. “Good job.”
“And look what we found.” Said JC as he entered the room, holding up a stack of papers.
“Underground maps and some of their attack plans.”
“We did good then.” Tehvan assured as he continued to try and catch his breath.
“Come on, my friend.” Said Rai. “The others are waiting, maybe Nariko can help you with your wounds.”
Tehvan nodded as he motioned to the opening of the tent. “Lead the way.”