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The Beckoning Beast: A story from the Nightmare Series

I was 28 in February of 2021, and I was house-setting for mom and dad while they were out on vacation. At the time, I was contracted through an app called Uplive, where I performed music; I enjoyed doing that so much that I woke up Tuesday morning at 8am, started singing at 10am, and didn’t stop until 3am the next morning. Don’t ask me how I did that or how I even knew that many songs; of course, there was a fair amount of that live stream where all I did was talk too. When I was finished, I was quick to go to sleep; I woke up to go to the restroom a few hours later and it was still pitch-black outside, the only light being the stars that glistened in the sky above.

 I got out of bed and walked out of my room, walking to the door and then going to the restroom; when I came out, I walked into the living room and looked out the window. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, but the 2nd time I looked, there it stood; this thing was at least 8 or 9 feet tall and looked like a giant ape-man or sasquatch but with coal-black fur covering it from head to toe, and its eyes glowed a deep, dark red color as it stared at me.

 Seeing it wasn’t the scary part for me, the scary part was when it smiled at me and beckoned to me to come outside, motioning for me to come outside with the forefinger on its right hand. Of course, I had seen enough by that point, and so I walked to the back room to grab a hunting rifle

 But before I could get to the back room, the monster was at my front door, slamming into it, trying its best to get inside. I ran to the door and tried my best to hold it shut, but I didn’t have the power to keep the monster out; I started wondering why I had abandoned my idea to get the rifle, but before I could finish the thought or reason my way into another solution, a large, hairy hand reach around the opening in the doorway, and pulled me out into the dark.

 “You’re coming with me; we’re going away!” The monster said calmly in a low-pitched, almost demonic voice.

“Let go of me or I’ll kill you.” I stated, I wasn’t even scared at this point, my adrenaline was pumping so hard that I was ready to fight.

 I would’ve probably kept that courage had it not been for the thing squeezing down harder and tossing me under its arm, holding me like I was a football as it ran through the woods and further into the dark, laughing with a loud, bellowing, demonic laugh.

 We didn’t stop until we got to a cave, and it took me deep inside and tossed me onto the cave floor. I looked around and saw the remains of others who had been just as unfortunate as I had, and for the first time, I legitimately started to fear for my life.

 “You’ll stay here with me now.” The monster stated with a growl.

“My father and brother literally live right down the road from your cave.” I said through my chattering teeth. “They’ll find me; they’ll kill you: you may get me, but someone will get you.”

 The monster threw its head back and laughed, and I took the opportunity to dash around it and back towards the entrance of the cave. I found my way back to the entrance, and I heard the monster roar so loudly that it shook the whole dwelling and caused all of the sleeping animals in the surrounding area to scatter.

 I ran as hard as I could through the forest, back the way we had come, taking all of the same twists and turns (that had led me to the cave) in reverse, hearing the monster crashing through the forest, taunting me and vowing to rip me limb from limb me when he caught me.

 I knew I had to have been getting close to the house at this point, but I wasn’t going to the house when I got there, I was going to go down the hill to my brother’s house when I got back: I was going for help.

 Suddenly, the monster was in front of me, and I darted to my left as he lunged for me and missed; my heart was racing, pulse pounding, sweat pouring off of me as I screamed for help and ran as fast as I could, the forest around me becoming a blur.

 I could see lights up ahead and I ran faster towards them, I knew it had to be a neighbor or my brother’s house, I just knew it, and so I picked up speed and ran even faster, hearing the monster in the distance behind me as he continued to taunt me and hurl threats.

 When I finally reached the light, I was devastated to find that it was just a lantern hung on a low hanging branch. I turned in a circular pattern, unable to figure out which way to run, panic and fear gripping every fiber of my body as I could hear the monster getting closer and closer.

 Suddenly, an unrecognizable human body fell from the treetop in front of me, landing directly at my feet, and it startled me so badly that I fell backwards onto my rear and started to scoot backwards as fast as I could, as I stared up into the trees.

 The monster was hunkered down on a branch, about 20 feet up the tree that the body had fallen out of, and he stared down at me, beckoned me to come to him with his forefinger once more, and began to laugh so loudly that it was literally like he was inside my head laughing, the echoes scaring me so badly that I was sure I was going to faint, the world around me starting to twirl and spin.

 When I woke up, it was light outside, and I stood to my feet and tried to walk; I took about three steps, felt like I was walking with weights on my legs and realized my blood sugar had dropped.

 “So, that’s what caused the nightmare.” I said to myself as I sat back down on my bed and I looked down at my black labrador retriever and laughed.

 “That’s what I get for skipping meals.”

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