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The Space Riders: Episode 2- Mistaken Identity

The Man’s name was Phoenix, he was a Major in the Space Riders organization and part of the secretive, elite, black-ops group, codenamed: The Knights.

 Phoenix led the Knights alongside his friend and lover, a woman named Kiera, a beautiful young black woman with long dark hair; Kiera was also the Marshal, making her the 2nd in command of the whole Space Riders organization.

 “Kiera, why weren’t we called on this?” Phoenix asked, frustration in his voice as he slammed a newspaper down on Kiera’s desk. “Why didn’t they put us on it?”

 “Because they didn’t, Fire Wings, leave it alone.” Kiera said as she shook her head at the outburst.

“But we could’ve taken him down without destroying all of that evidence! They send Beau in? Seriously? They chose a rogue over us?”

 “That’s enough Major.” Said Keira as she reached out and put her hand on Phoenix’s.

Phoenix quickly slowed his breathing and began to calm down, waiting a few moments before he spoke again, a calmer and more collected tone about him this time.

 “Why did a captain give the order?”

Kiera rolled her eyes. “Gosh, Phoenix, would you leave it alone?”

 “Why?” Phoenix repeated.

Kiera nodded. “Because Fuller was put on the assignment and passed it onto someone that he thought was more qualified to accomplish the job.”

 “Beau’s just a deputy, what’s he doing going on black-ops?”

“There’s things that I don’t have the time to explain to you right now, Major, but suffice to say I authorized it and that should be enough of a reason for you to stand down.” Kiera answered calmly.

 Phoenix let out a sigh and shook his head. “Fine; you’re right, I’m getting too upset about all this. I just can’t understand why we let this rogue run around like a loose cannon, breaking and bending all of the rules. Now he destroys all of the evidence of drug manufacturing and all we have is brutality on an officer.”

 “And that’s enough to hold him and book him, Major.” Kiera added.

 Rogue was a derogatory term for members of the Space Riders that operated on their own terms and did their own thing, something that Sol Beaudon was notorious for, and Kiera protected him because he could do the job that nobody could or wanted to do, among other reasons that were unknown.

 “What do we have?” asked Phoenix.

“The rest of the team is out on rest for a week, but you and I have to go in and question Swex.”

 Phoenix nodded. “When?”


 Phoenix held his hand out towards the door of the office.

 “Lead the way.”

The two walked down the hall until they reached the interrogation room and then they entered in and sat down across the table from Swex.

 “The first thing we need to get straight is that your file on me is wrong.” Said Swex.

“How so?” asked Kiera.

 “It says that I’m human and Grey Alien, but that’s not true, Greys don’t possess my abilities and powers.”

 “What are you then?” asked Phoenix. “What’s your other half?”

Swex smiled and nodded. “Let me show you.”

In a flash, Phoenix was lifted into the air and slammed back against the steel wall behind him; Swex then reached out with a hand and gripped Kiera’s throat, choking the woman and lifting her up off of her chair.

 “Say goodbye to your lover, Marshal.” Swex said with a laugh before using his abilities to rip Phoenix in half in front of her very eyes, blood and organs flying out of the man’s severed body and scattering across the floor.

 Kiera fought with all she had, punching the man’s arm as other Space Riders rushed to the door, feverishly working to get it open, Swex disabling the powered lock and opening system.

 “Your friends can’t save you, Marshal, nobody can. My master has demanded that we not hurt the officials of your organization, such as yourself, but I’m sure he will understand how I just couldn’t help myself.”

 Swex tightened his grip and lifted Kiera higher.

“I do enjoy it, you know? I enjoy killing Space Riders Marshal, it’s my favorite thing to do in this world: nothing else compares to it. I’ve killed your lover, and now I’ll kill you.”

 “That’s not possible.” Said Phoenix.

Swex turned, a bewildered look on his face as he came face to face with the fully intact Major, Phoenix smiling before jumping up and drilling the hybrid between the eyes with his right fist.

 “You should’ve done better research, Swex.”

“A complete healing factor.” Said Swex with an amused look on his face as he telepathically lifted Phoenix into the air and slammed him into the wall again.

 “Impressive, but not enough to save your beloved Kiera. I guess I’ll just have to kill her first and then you’ll have the pleasure of dying over and over until I exhaust your ability, and you finally pass on to the beyond.”

 Swex reached down, gripping Kiera around the throat again and squeezing, lifting her back into the air.

 “And I did do my research, Major; I know that your Marshal is virtually Invulnerable to all harm, but I have an ability that can negate that effect. Have you guessed what I am yet?”

 Phoenix’s eyes widened. “You’re… you’re part Ammonoid.”

 “You are correct, sir.” Swex replied.

The Ammonoids were a race of tall, humanoid aliens that ruled over the Greys, using them for their own purposes: they possessed powerful mind-bending and psychic abilities and had the ability to negate the powers of other hybrids and superhumans.

 “Now my dear.” Swex said to Kiera. “I will send you to the beyond.”

“You’re the only one going to the beyond today, Swex.” Came a voice from the doorway.

 Swex turned and before he could react, a black laser blast slammed into his chest, killing him instantly.

 Phoenix and Kiera both fell to the floor, Kiera gasping for breath as Phoenix looked up at the doorway to see Beau standing there with a F37 black laser blaster pistol.

 Their existed 5 different laser blast colors: Yellow was used to stun and paralyze, blue was a concussive blast type that was only lethal in the case of a headshot, red which was a penetrative lethal blast, green was a lethal penetrating and armor-piercing blast, but black was an outlawed laser blast that killed a target on impact, regardless of the part of the body it impacted.

 Phoenix stood to his feet and pointed at Beau.

 “You’re under arrest, deputy!”

“No!” Kiera shouted as she reached out with her hand, crawling on all fours towards Phoenix.

 Phoenix helped her to her feet, and she shook her head at the man.

“No, Beau, you’re free to go.”

Beau nodded, turned and left.

 “What are you doing!?! He just…”

“Saved our lives, Phoenix, be thankful.”

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