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The Space Riders: Episode 3- The General's Office

Phoenix and Kiera were both staring at the General as he went over the documents in his hand, a frustrated and disappointed look on his face. General Andrew Rosenstein stood 5 foot 8 inches tall, had a slender/toned build, and a white, ivory skin tone; he wore brown shorts, a black dress shirt, and tennis shoes, and his brown hair was cut close to his scalp. He belonged to the council of Generals, a group that served on the U.R.G (the united races of the galaxy and surrounding universe council) and were all appointed by the Grand Marshal of the Space Riders Universal Police Force organization.

 The Grand Marshal was the top authority in the Universe, said to have more authority than any other the being in the universe, and was the top official rank in the Space Riders, but being such a high ranking and powerful figure meant that nobody could know who they were: presumably for that person’s safety.

 General Andrew ‘Ace’ Rosenstein shook his head and let out a aggravated huff before looking over the top of the documents at Phoenix and Kiera.

 “What is this?”

“We made a mistake, General.” Said Kiera.

 “I see that, but how did we make that mistake?”

“We didn’t make that mistake, sir.” Said Phoenix.

 Rosenstein cocked an eyebrow and spoke again.

 “Phoenix, when we make mistakes, any of us: we all take the responsibility of it as a whole organization.”

 “Sir, had I or Kiera brought this guy in and felt his powers for ourselves, in the way that Deputy Beaudon did, we would’ve known right away that he wasn’t part Grey and had to have been part Ammonoid instead.”

 “Agent.” Rosenstein added.

“Excuse me?” Phoenix asked.

“Sol Beaudon is not a Deputy, he is an Agent and operates under our authority in conjunction with the whole U.R.G, calling him a Deputy is demeaning. Technically he is an entirely different entity all together and part of a structure and system that doesn’t follow the same ranking ladder that you and other members of the organization do.”

 Phoenix squinted in confusion and looked over at Kiera; the Black woman simply nodded once.

“He’s right, Major, Sol Beaudon is a Clandestine Agent, why else would he be able to go on Black Ops missions?”

 “You mean that you knew about this and just didn’t think to mention it to me until now.”

“It’s not really any of your business, Major.” General Rosenstein stated plainly.

 “Your job is not to supervise other members of this organization; your job is to co-lead the most elite black-ops team in the Universe and carry out the most complex and top-secret missions.”

 “That still doesn’t excuse his mistake, sir.” Said Phoenix. “The fact of the matter is, despite Kiera and I both possessing superhuman abilities and powers, this hybrid had the ability to negate our powers…”

 “And by that, you were able to determine that he was Ammonoid…”

“I could tell by the way he slammed me up against the wall and tore me in half that he was Ammonoid, sir.” Phoenix barked back.

 “Then you determined it pre-maturely.” Rosenstein answered. “Marshal, I think your boyfriend needs to go back to classroom training. You learn in week one that the Grey’s received their powers via Ammonoid programming; the Ammonoids engineered the Greys as a slave and worker race, and as such, the Greys have certain powers that the Ammonoids possess as well.”

“But they don’t have the ability to negate powers.” Said Kiera.

 General Rosenstein nodded. “Which is why the Major is out of line in pointing a judgmental finger at Agent Beaudon.” He turned his attention back to Phoenix, the young General tipping his head to one side, his neck making an audible popping sound before he spoke again in a calm, relaxed tone.

 “You and Beau have had your differences for a really long time; you don’t like the way he conducts himself and how he conducts business or acts in the field. Well, the fact of the matter is, it’s not your place to care; you can think and believe what you want but until the Grand Marshal of this organization comes to me and tells me that they’re not pleased with something Agent Beaudon has done and that I need to have him reprimanded and/or punished: I say he’s doing his job within the bounds of what is permissible. Do I make myself clear?”

 Phoenix let out a sigh, threw his hands up, and nodded.

“Loud and clear, General: loud and clear.”

 “Marshal, you outrank me by a mile: handle your officer or I will; keep him under control and make sure he keeps his head in the business that pertains to him.”

 Kiera nodded and smiled. “You don’t have to tell me anything, General, just let me handle it or I’ll handle you.”

 General Rosenstein cleared his throat and nodded before reaching down and pulling out a folder.

 “This is your next assignment; this was handed down to me by the Grand Marshal himself and he asked me to make sure it made its way to you.”

 “Oh, not Pluto again; I hate Pluto.” Said Kiera in a frustrated tone.

Rosenstein threw up his hands.

 “Don’t kill the messenger, Kiera, the Grand Marshal just thought that you and The Knights were perfect for this.”

 “What’s the story?” asked Kiera.

“There’s been a lot of disappearances and deaths, some of which have been high ranking officials: governors, mayors, a diplomat’s daughter. The Grand Marshal says that some inside operatives tracked the activity to an underground drug cartel on the planet named ‘The Drivers.”

 “No way, we’ve finally found them?”

General Rosenstein shrugged. “Can’t tell yet if we’ve found the main operation or just one of many operations that they have spread throughout the Universe, but we’ve definitely found something. This is big, you two, The Drivers are the biggest and main producers of the terribly addictive and physically destroying drug called ‘Mak-Drive.’

 The Grand Marshal wants you to take your whole team in and bring as many of these guys back alive as you possibly can.”

 “When do we leave?” asked Phoenix.

The General smiled. “Now.”    

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