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The Space Riders: Episode 4- Space Turbulence

            Phoenix and Kiera sat in their spaceship, traveling from Earth to Pluto; things weren’t like they used to be, the fact of the matter was, now, getting to Pluto was like driving from New York city to Washington DC. The only time you really got into extensive travel time is if you were trying to travel to different galaxies, and even then, it didn’t take days or weeks until you really got out into the far reaches of Space.

 With Kiera and Phoenix, were the rest of the members of Kiera’s unstoppable, secretive black-ops crew known as ‘The Knights.’

 Ozias was a young French male with a Vanilla skin tone and freckles; he wore glasses, had a slim build, black hair that was just as much bushy as it was curly, and he manned the controls of the ship as they navigated through Space.

 Sofia had purple hair and pinkish/white skin, her father being a Hantienz prince and her mother being human. She looked much like a human female that was of the age of 19, but her beauty was immensely surpassing of any human female.

 The Hantienz (pronounced H-an-sh-inz and translated as 'Travelers') looked much like human beings but possessed larger eyes that were oval shaped and usually colored all black (males), all yellow (females), all White (elderly). Their skin also possessed a dark pink color, and the hair of the women is always long and sun Gold. The younger men either being bald or possessing short or shoulder-length silver hair, and the elderly men always having long Platinum colored hair. They also had figures and physical appearances that would attract almost anyone. The leader of this Alien group was a male named, Kinpore (pronounced Ken-porr-rech); and he was, technically Sofia’s great, great Grandfather.

 The next 3 were brothers, vampires to be exact; see, when the Hantienz and other friendly alien races came to earth to help the humans fight the Greys and Ammonoids, they showed them how to use the white-hole portal in the Bermuda triangle to travel to the mythical lands of Atlantis and Avalon: Atlantis possessed human civilizations that were far more advanced than the humans of that day, but the humans of Avalon were still living in the early dark ages, and in that land were Dragons, Werewolves, Vampires, Orcs, Elves, and other races that were thought to  only exist in myths and legends.

 Luckily for us, most of the mythical creatures and races were friendly, and joined up with the humans to wage war against the evil Grey and Ammonoid Alien races all those years ago.

 The first vampire brother was a male named Rasmus, who had spiked white hair and an athletic build.

 Then was Sam, a handsome older Vampire who looked as though he was ripped out of the Renaissance with his clothes and style, and had thick black hair styled like a 1960s psychedelic rocker.

 Amit, (the youngest brother) dressed like a pirate with a cowboy-like hat, and wore round, red-lensed glasses, and he smiled back at Phoenix as he stared down at the ship’s radar (that looked more like camera footage of the surrounding space.)

 “We’re good so far, Major.”

“Keep an eye out for…”

 Before Phoenix could finish, something slammed into the rear, right side of the ship and jarred them all, knocking Kiera completely off of her feet.

 “What was that!?!?” asked Sofia as she slid her chair over from the co-pilot’s position to where Amit sat.

 “I don’t know! I can’t see anything!”

“Then whoever just hit us is cloaked and you need to engage the identifier.” Said Sofia, reaching down and flipping a red switch that changed the radar from a regular camera-type view to an infrared-type view.

 “Right there!” Sofia said as she pointed down at the outline of a giant ship and turned her head towards Ozias. “Turn hard to starboard, now!”

 Ozias did as the woman asked, and in an instant, their ship collided with the bigger ship and everyone except for Amit, Sofia, and Ozias were thrown to the floor.

 “Yeah, I should’ve told everyone to buckle their seatbelts first.”

“What was the big idea with that!?!” asked Ozias in his male Parisian accent.

  “I wanted to see how sturdy their ship was.” Sofia answered.

“Fire 3 torpedoes into the front of the ship and see what happens.” Phoenix demanded.

 Sam shrugged, turned, and pointed at Rasmus, who was sitting in front of a large control board with a bunch of switches on it.

 “Fire the seekers.”

Rasmus nodded and flipped a yellow switch; at the back of the ship, two torpedoes were lobbed into space, and they floated freely for a few moments, before shooting flames out of their tails and quickly flying around to the right of the ship, finding their targets and slamming into the front of the larger ship.

 The explosion was big, but the blast did absolutely nothing, and Phoenix shook his head and pointed over to Ozias.

 “Get ready for light speed.”

“We can’t.” said Ozias.


“I said we can’t!” Ozias shouted. “Are you deaf, man? They disabled our speed drive: we’ve been hacked!”

 “Then hack them back.” Kiera demanded.

“Oh, what a good idea, except none of us are hackers!” Ozias exclaimed.

 Phoenix ran up beside Ozias and pointed ahead at a large asteroid field that they were approaching.

 “Turn on the tractor beam and drive into that field.” He turned and pointed at Rasmus and Sam.

“When I give the signal, release everything we’ve got, including the mini-sun bomb.”

 “Are you crazy!?!” Ozias shouted, the French man jerking the controls from side to side, trying his best to avoid the blasts that were being launched at them.

 “Just do it.” Phoenix barked.

They did as he said: Ozias flipped on the tractor beam and flew into the asteroid belt, attracting several asteroids to their ship. Phoenix waited until the attacking ship was so close to them that he could see the Grey aliens in the control room, operating the ship, and he dropped his hand.


As soon as he said it, Rasmus reached up and slid his hands across all of the switches, releasing every bomb they had, and Ozias turned off the tractor beam. The bombs all slammed into the asteroids, and together, they collided with the attacking ship and made an explosion so immense that it temporarily blinded everyone in Phoenix and Kiera’s ship.

 “Flip on the sun shield!” Sofia shouted.

“I cannot see it, girl!” Ozias snapped back.

In a few, they could all see a little bit better, and they looked around them, seeing that not only had they cleared out the whole asteroid field with their explosion, but they had reduced the

Attacking ship to dust.

 “What was that all about?” asked Sam.

“An ammonoid attack ship; we floated into their airspace.” Said Sofia.

 “No, it’s worse than that.” Said Kiera. “They never attack solely because you’re in their space and they know better than to attack a Universal Police ship: somebody had to have sent them.”

 Kiera shook her head. “Somebody’s leaked our intel!”

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