Phoenix shook his head as he spoke over the radio on the federal police ship again.
“I’m only going to tell you this one more time, Captain, disarm your defenses now: we are friendly.”
“I’m trying to, Major, but someone has hacked into our system and we’re not able to shut anything down; I have a whole team of guys and girls in here trying their best to disarm those missiles that are aimed at you, but all of our efforts have been pointless so far!”
“Then get a whole different team of guys and girls, you stupid man!” Ozias shouted from his chair.
“Hey, hey! Now there’s no call for that!” the Captain shouted back.
“Captain, this is The Marshal of the Space Riders Organization and your superior: shut the planet down now!” Kiera demanded.
“Are you crazy! There’s no way we can do that! It’s too risky, what if it doesn’t turn back on, and what if…”
“That is a direct order from me to you, Captain: press the emergency planetary shut down button now, before…”
“All of the sudden, 4 giant missiles slammed into the nose and bottom of the ship, shutting down the ship’s controls and systems, and causing the air-ship to go into a hard nosedive.
“Marshal! Major! What just happened!?!?” asked the Captain.
“We’re going down, you idiot! Can you not see it! You have killed us!”
“Dear Lord, Ozias, pull back on the controls!” Sofia demanded.
“I am trying to do that, you silly girl!” Ozias shouted back in his Parisian accent.
“Everyone, get over there and help pull back on those controls, please.” Kiera demanded as she steadied herself with her hand on the wall.
“Phoenix, come with me to the back of the ship: we’re going to go and fine the emergency auxiliary switch.”
They both turned and exited the room, staggering down the hall of the inner-ship and then taking a latter down into the engine room.
“Push the switch up.” Kiera said. “Up, Pheonix, up!”
“It’s jammed, Kiera, it’s no use.” Phoenix stated as he strained to push the lever up with all of his might. “It’s not working at all!”
“Oh, come on, fire-wings, we’re going to die if you can’t get that switch….”
Before the woman could finish, another missile slammed into the back of the ship and the whole vessel began to spin out of control.
“Hold on!” Phoenix shouted as he grabbed ahold of the railing with one hand and Kiera with his other.
“Pull me up.” Said Kiera.
“I’m trying.” Phoenix answered.
“What is going on!?!?” Sofia shouted.
“What do you mean!?!? We have no power you silly, silly person!”
“Well, let’s at least get the…”
Yet another missile slammed into the back of the ship, sending the vessel tumbling end over end as well as spinning wildly.
Kiera gripped the railing, leaned over and kissed Phoenix.
“It’s been an honor to, not only serve with you, but to have you as a partner too.”
Phoenix nodded. “Same here: I couldn’t have picked a better woman to be my person.”
Suddenly, the ship stopped spinning and tumbling out of control, and seemed to level out, but there was still no power. Phoenix and Kiera exchanged bewildered looks, and then walked back to the control room.
“What’s going on?” asked Rasmus, his hands out to his sides. “Is this what it’s like when you have to use auxiliary power?”
“We never flipped the switch, so, no.” said Phoenix.
“Then what is this?” asked Sam. “This doesn’t make any sense.”
“Obviously, somebody has attached us to their tow beam.” Said Ozias. “The only question is, who?”
“Well, regardless of who it is, we should be thankful to be alive and prepare for what may happen next.” Said Kiera.
“I think we will find out soon.” Said Ozias. “They are taking us to land.”
They all watched as they were towed to the landing strip, and then they were sat gently down on the strip, all of them making their way out of the ship, only to see, Beau, standing on the runway talking to the Captain and some other officers.
“Are all of you ok?” asked Beau with a grin.
“Ah… I would say that, thanks to you, we are.” Ozias answered.
“Well, I was in the neighborhood.”
“And why is that?” asked Phoenix eagerly.
Beau shrugged. “Because I heard from a reliable source that the gangs here were aware of your mission; it would seem that somebody has leaked your intel to the criminal groups of Pluto, and they now have a price tag on all of your heads.”
“And you just happened to come upon this information from sources that you can’t divulge, correct?” asked Phoenix in an aggravated tone.
“Clandestine agents and their sources are, by ruling of the U.R.G, entitled to their secrecy.” Beau answered as he walked over and put his hands on Sofia’s shoulders, bending down slightly and staring into her eyes.
“Are you alright?”
Sofia shook her head. “I hit my head off the dash, pretty hard, when we started to tumble end over end.”
Beau nodded. “I know a good Doctor in the next town over that can help.”
“Agent Beaudon, what intel do you have?” asked Kiera.
“Swex’s boss is on this planet, and he seems to be the head of all of the criminal groups on Pluto. Not too sure yet, but a few of my sources are telling me that he’s Ammonoid and possesses extraordinary powers.”
“Like?” asked Amit.
“Like the ability to turn someone inside out with a single touch if he would so choose to do that.” Said Beau. “This guy’s no joke, and I wouldn’t recommend taking any chances with him.”
“And that’s why you brought an illegal weapon with you again?” asked Phoenix as he pointed down at Beau’s black laser firing pistol.
Beau nodded. “Yes, it is. I’m not somebody who goes above and beyond to put myself in danger just so the U.R.G can have their criminal in a living condition. When it’s between my life or theirs: then I choose me, every single time.”
“Well, we’ll have to deal with it for now; we need your help.” Said Kiera.
“That’s why I came, my lady.” Said Beau as he slightly bowed to the woman.