Sol Beaudon was a member of a galactic and universal Space police force named ‘The Space Riders.’ They were established after humans first touched down on Mars, in the year 2050, and made contact with the alien life that was there: the dreaded and evil Grey Aliens.
Afterwards, other alien species and races would make contact with humans, and together, they would wage war on the Greys and ultimately win. Now, in the year 4015, the
Space Riders were tasked to watch over and police the Universe, guarding all peaceful life in it, human or otherwise.
“Good morning, Beau.”
“It’s not morning, Captain Fuller.” Said Beau with a chuckle as he sat down and picked up a folder that lay on the Captain’s desk, skimming through the files inside.
“You remember this guy?” asked Fuller.
Beau shook his head. “I remember him, I just wish that I didn’t.”
Captain Fuller nodded. “Number 3 on the Universal most wanted list.”
“Not to mention the fact that he’s a powerful hybrid: part human and part Grey alien.” Said Beau as he slapped the folder back down on Fuller’s desk.
“You can’t put some of the other guys on this?”
Fuller shook his head, a sorrowful look on his face.
“Nobody can get him; that’s why I sent for you, we needed a rogue that’s not afraid to go in and bring this guy to justice by any means necessary.”
Beau let out a sigh. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
Captain Fuller’s face lit up with a bright smile.
“Thank you Beau! If anyone can get this man, you’re the one!”
Beau held his right hand up.
“Save it, would you? Where’s he hiding at?”
Fuller nodded. “He’s held up at the abandoned Warehouse 4 building, about 40 miles north of here in the red deserts.”
Beau stood up and checked his Blitzking Issue 7 blaster pistol: a red-laser firing blaster that had the potential to wound and damage its targets.
“You’re actually planning on bringing this one back alive?” asked Fuller.
Beau gave the man a fake, sarcastic smile.
“Yeah, well, I was told that you would appreciate it if I would bring him back to face justice.”
“I can’t thank you enough for adjusting your methods just for us.”
“Maybe I just want to see this guy tried and punished too.” Said Beau as he turned and exited the room.
“We really do appreciate your time, rogue.”
Beau walked back down the hallway and out to where his hover-car waited.
When he started the hover car, a low-pitched male voice came over the car speakers.
“Where to?”
“Shut off.” Beau answered.
“And would you like directions?”
“NO!” Beau stated in an aggravated tone.
“Very Well.” The voice replied.
Beau navigated through the streets of the Martian city until he reached the outskirts, then he accelerated to max speed and made his way to the abandoned warehouse 4 building.
Once there, Beau snuck over to a nearby window, the Martian atmosphere stirring up a windstorm and providing good cover for the dark complected human male.
Beau reached up and wiped sand out of his short, slicked back hair before he peered through the window at the beings inside.
The warehouse was full of boxes and blue powdered substances that Beau recognized as a potent illegal drug.
The next thing that Beau saw was 3 Grey Aliens standing across from the 7-foot tall, gaunt humanoid that Beau recognized as his target.
The hybrid’s name was Harry Swex, and although his name was human, Swex was anything but, possessing extraordinary strength, and deadly telepathic (and telekinetic) abilities.
Beau drew his Blitzking Issue 7 blaster pistol and pointed it at the large window in front of him.
Inside, the hybrid-led alien crew watched in bewilderment as a red laser blast shattered the window and slammed into some containers behind them, catching them on fire and starting a chain reaction.
While they were distracted, Beau leaped through the window, the athletically toned man aiming his blaster-pistol at them.
“You’re all under arrest!”
The three Greys all reached for their blaster-pistols and Beau didn’t hesitate to fire a shot at each of them, the laser-blasts ripping through their skulls and chests.
Suddenly, Beau was lifted into the air by an unseen force, his arms forcibly jerked out to his sides, the man feeling the limbs start to pull from their sockets.
“So, they sent their rogue to do the job that nobody else could.”
“Harry Swex, you’re under arrest for the murder of over 100 officers of the Space Riders organization, and...”
Beau’s words were spoken through pain and gritted teeth as he could feel the blood in his body start to literally bounce, vibrate, and boil.
He had been interrupted by a sudden jolt of pain as his arms started to dislocate and he could hear a loud painful hum in his head that was causing the world to spin around him.
Swex laughed, the tall, bald, gaunt alien hybrid reaching out with his right hand and putting his forefinger on Beau’s head, causing the man to experience a headache that made it feel like his brain was about to bust through his skull, blood beginning to ooze from his nose, ears, and eyes.
“Can you feel that, Rogue? That’s just a touch of my power. If I go up one more notch: I could make you seize, I could force you to have a stroke, or I could cause you to have a brain aneurysm.”
Swex laughed happy with the fact that he was about to kill another Space Rider.
“I can even make your head explode like a melon if I choose!”
Beau couldn’t budge an inch or even scream. The pain was so bad that he was literally blacking out, the world around him disappearing in a cloud of black, as Swex continued to taunt him.
“And you, Rogue! You will be able to feel every! Single! Last! Excruciatingly painful moment of…”
Just then, the flaming boxes behind Swex exploded, causing a blast so powerful that it caused the Grey Alien/Human hybrid to drop Beau onto the ground and stagger back, struggling to keep his footing.
Beau lunged forward, twirling his body around in a spinning motion and kicking the disoriented hybrid’s legs out from under him.
The gaunt hybrid let out a loud, low-pitched scream and fell, face first, onto the ground, Beau quickly leaping upon him and cuffing his hands behind his back, before standing up.
Swex tried to turn himself over on his back so that he could use his mental powers to attack Beau once more, but Beau dashed towards him, delivering a devastating toe-kick to the hybrid’s temple, effectively knocking him out.
Beau shook his head once more and retrieved his blaster pistol, walking back over to Swex and staring down at him.
“My name is Sol Beaudon, not Rogue. And you’re under arrest.”