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The Unidentified Attack: A Story from the Nightmare Series

            This actually happened a little over 10 years ago, on a cool winter’s night in the woods of West Virginia. I want to say I was in my early 20s, and at the time, I had the habit of sleeping on the couch; I can remember that, throughout the day, I went outside several times. That was something about me back then, you couldn’t keep me inside, I would put in the headphones, put on some music and be ready to go.

 I had this habit of walking close to 7 or 8 miles a day back then, just walking around our property, and at night, I would stare up into the sky and look around for UFOs, I was fascinated by those things. I can remember that one night when we first moved onto that property (somewhere around 2005 or 2006) my brother and I sat in the living room with my father. All of a sudden, we heard this loud boom outside that lasted a few seconds and sounded like a train driving over the house: it shook the whole place.

 I didn’t think anything of it, but my dad insisted on going to the door to check it out; over the sheep field, there was a UFO hovering, and it was shining a large orange light down into the field; my father told my brother to come look and before I could get over there, the thing apparently took off.

 I don’t believe in aliens or anything like that, but I can tell you that a few of those sheep died after that, not too far away from each other either.

 But the night I’m talking about was in 2013 or 2014 if I remember right, and as I typically did back then, I stayed awake playing my guitar and watching TV before I went to sleep for the night.

 All of a sudden, I awoke and heard the dogs outside barking, so I got up off the couch (where I tended to sleep at, most of the time, back then) and walked outside.

 Once outside, I saw my dad walking our new American Eskimo dog; Stormy wasn’t very old, and he often woke my parents up in the middle of the night, or early hours of the morning, and they would have to take him out.

 “What are you doing out here?” Dad asked.

I shook my head, trying to shake the fog off my brain.

 “I heard the dogs barking out here, I should’ve known it was you.”

“Yeah, Stormy had to go out.”

 The forest around the house was full of naked trees, all of them leafless, and I stared out at a roundish object that had a large rotating light on it that went around in a circular motion, kind of like a lighthouse.

 “What the heck is that?” I asked.

Dad shrugged. “I don’t know, that’s pretty weird isn’t it?”

 I nodded my agreement and walked over beside Dad, both of us peering over at the object.

Our attention was then caught by a group of figures that were walking down the road, coming from the direction of the object.

 I couldn’t make out what they looked like, but I’ve never felt such extreme fear like I felt that night.

 “What is this?” Dad asked with a sense of dread in his voice. “That’s not good!”

All of a sudden, mom came out of the house, standing on the steps that led up to the door.

 “What’s going on out here?” Mom asked.

“That’s not good.” Dad repeated as he started down the driveway.

 I quickly turned around and faced mom, remembering that, at the time, we had a semi-automatic Kalashnikov rifle in the house and several magazines for it.

 “Mom, get the AK!” I demanded.

Mom didn’t listen, she rushed down the stairs and went in pursuit of my father.

 I just remember this eerie fog sweeping in, seemingly coming out of literally nowhere and I could see dad disappearing from my vision.

 Before I knew it, I could hear the dogs with dad barking and growling, sounding like they were trying to attack something.

 “That’s right! Get’em Stormy! Bite’em Miss! Their gonna get me!” Dad stated

Mom rushed to dad’s aid, and I suddenly heard Dad scream and could hear the dogs whimpering like something had scared them or hurt them.

 The fog kept climbing and climbing, I couldn’t see anything as I rushed back towards the house, I turned once when I heard mom let out a bloodcurdling scream that split the night, but all I could see was her hair.

 Mom let out another scream as I shouted.

“I’m going to get the AK!”

 I remember turning and gripping the door handle, but as soon as I was about to turn it, I heard a voice demanding.


I don’t know how, but I could tell it wasn’t human, the voice sounded modulated or something: I really don’t know how to describe it. Despite being so afraid that I was literally hyperventilating, knowing that I was about to pass out from fright, I turned to face the person or being that had made the demand.

 All I could see was fog and I could hear my mother screaming for me in the distance, and she sounded like she was fearing for my life.

 I peered out into the fog and squinted as I swallowed hard and sweat poured off of me, and then: I woke up.

 It was probably 10 or 11 the next morning and the sun was up, that winter was a bit warmer than others. So, I passed it off as a dream and went about my business for the day; despite the fact that when I told mom about the dream, she had me talk to dad, who’d had a similar dream that night: I still don’t think there was anything real about it at all.

 It couldn’t have been anything more than a dream, right?

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